Residential Lease Agreement

1.1. 'Landlord' is defined as the legal entity which owns or possesses real property and is lawfully entitled to offer use and possession of in exchange for consideration known as 'rent'.

1.2. 'Tenant' is defined as a person or persons entitled to the use and occupation of a rental property, exclusive of the Landlord, in exchange for consideration known as rent.

1.3. ________ (the Landlord) is the lawful owner of residential property, in respect of which they are choosing to grant a lease.

1.4. ________ (the Tenant) has been designated an appropriate Tenant to lease the aforementioned residential property.

1.5. In return for consideration defined below, the Tenant is entitled to exclusive and quiet use and possession of the dwelling.


2.1. Pursuant to the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2019, tenancies must be registered with the Residential Tenancies Board annually within a month of the date when the tenancy commenced.

2.2. It is the obligation of the Landlord to register tenancies with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB).

2.3. It is the obligation of the Tenant to make available the relevant information necessary to register the tenancy, to the Landlord including their PPS Number.

2.4. The Tenant is entitled to a copy of any register entry held by the RTB concerning the tenancy.


3.1. ________ hereby agrees to lease a house located at:

to ________ thereby entering into a relationship of Landlord and Tenant.

3.2. The property will be used for residential purposes only. The Tenant is precluded from engaging in any commercial or professional activities, or any other in the premises.

3.3. The property is fully furnished upon the entry into this Agreement, all furnishings within the property remain the property of the Landlord, and the Tenant will take all reasonable care to avoid damage thereto.

3.4. The complete list of the furnishings, equipment and appliances provided by the Landlord is attached in an addendum to the present document.

3.5. The property comes with paid parking for

Parking is paid for at the following interval: ________ at the following rate: ________ .

3.6. The property includes a private garden adjacent to the dwelling to be enjoyed exclusively by the Tenant.


4.1. The Parties acknowledge it is the obligation of the Landlord to maintains certain minimum physical standards pursuant to (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2019 and section 12(1)(b) of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004.

4.2. The Landlord is required to maintain the property in the following conditions:

(1) free from damp;

(2) in structural repair (internally and externally);

(3) maintain the roof, roofing tiles and slates in good condition;

(4) maintain the windows in good condition;

(5) maintain the floors, ceilings and walls in good condition;

(6) maintain the stairs, skirting boards and doors in good condition;

(7) maintain all gutters, down pipes in good condition;

(8) maintain any garden or common areas in good condition;

(9) safe electricity and gas supply;

(10) every room has adequate ventilation;

(11) every room has heating that the Tenant can control;

(12) every room has natural and/or artificial lighting.

4.3. The Landlord is furthermore required to provide Tenants with access to the following facilities:

(1) a washing machine;

(2) a clothes dryer or a private garden, yard or terrace on which to dry clothes;

(3) 4-ring hob with oven and grill;

(4) cooker hood or extractor fan;

(7) microwave oven;

(8) adequate kitchen cupboards to facilitate the storing of food;

(9) sinks which supply cold potable water;

(11) a ventilated bathroom, with a toilet, washbasin and fixed bath or shower with hot and cold water;

(12) a permanent, properly maintained heater in the bathroom or shower room;

(13) a fixed heating appliance in each room that the Tenant can control;

(14) a firm alarm system;

(15) a fire blanket;

(16) a carbon monoxide alarm;

(17) access to rubbish storage facilities that are free of vermin and pests;

(18) safety restrictions on windows of a certain height.

4.4. Local authorities (in their role as housing authorities) are responsible for enforcing these minimum standards in rented accommodation.

4.5. The Tenant must notify the Landlord in the event of any defect in the property, not a result of the Tenant's actions, for which the Landlord is responsible. This is essential to allow the Landlord observe their obligations under this Agreement.

4.6. In the event the Landlord is required to carry out repairs or maintenance on the property, the Tenant must allow the Landlord reasonable access to the dwelling at a mutually agreed date and time.

4.7. The Tenant must take reasonable care of the property and its furnishings, and take all reasonable steps to prevent its deterioration, beyond normal 'wear and tear' which is a natural and unavoidable consequence of occupancy. The extent of 'reasonable' wear and tear is adjudicated in light of the length of time in which the Tenant has been at the property, the condition of the property at the commencement of the tenancy and other relevant factors.

4.8. The Tenant must notify the Landlord in the event of any damage to the property arising, either by the Tenant's wilful act, negligence, or wear and tear.

4.9. The Tenant must first seek the written authorisation of the Landlord if they wish to make any changes or improvements to the property. Specifically, written permission must be sought in any changes of the following nature would like to be undertaken:

(1) painting the walls or furniture;

(2) inserting hooks or nails into the wall;

(3) applying adhesive materials to the wall;

(4) applying wallpaper;

(5) structural alterations, such as removing walls;

(6) installing additional electrical units;

(7) installing a television or radio antenna;

(8) installing an alarm;

(9) changing of any locks within the property;

(10) replacing or updating existing plumbing systems;

(11) changing the property's existing flooring, such as the addition of carpeting, removal of carpeting, replacing tiles;

(12) replacement of boiler.

4.10. Following the receipt of written notice from the Landlord, the Tenant must from time to time, at a maximum interval of one time in a two month period, allow the Landlord access to the property to inspect its condition. Any inspection must occur at an agreed time and date.


5.1. The Tenant must respect neighbours' right of way, allow access to the neighbours' dwelling, avoid obstruction of access, avoid obstruction of pipes, drains and electrical wiring serving the neighbouring property.

5.2. Smoking is permitted in and around the property in the following locations:

5.3. The Tenant must check the fire alarm once per month.

5.4. The following animals are permitted to be kept in the property as pets:

5.5. Pets are to be kept subject to the following conditions:

(1) Pets must be properly house trained.

(2) The Tenant must ensure to promptly deal with any animal spoils within the property and within any common areas.

(3) The Tenant must ensure that any pets retained on the property are adequately trained so as to not display any aggressive or menacing behaviours to neighbours or passersby.

(4) The Tenant must ensure that any pets retained on the property do not engage in ongoing, loud or disruptive behaviour that could reasonably cause annoyance among neighbours. Barking, yelping and any other animal noises must be kept to a minimum and measures should be taken to avoid any such disturbances during the evening or quiet hours.

5.6. The Tenant must refrain from making noise that can be heard outside of their immediate dwelling (playing loud music, watching television at high volumes, parties etc) between the following hours: ________ and ________ .

5.7. Guests are permitted to reside on the property for a maximum of ________ (________) nights per month, provided they adhere to the following rules:

5.8. If the Tenant has a guest staying for more than ________ (________) nights per month, they must notify the Landlord that another individual has moved into the property.

5.9. There should be no more guests than is permitted by the number of beds in the property.

5.10. The Tenant must keep the garden reasonably well tended and/or in the condition it was in at the commencement of the lease.

5.11. Refrain from engaging in any anti-social behaviour, and prevent others from doing so.

5.12. Refrain from engaging in any activities that are dangerous or can reasonably be construed as offensive, noisome, or which may become a nuisance to any occupiers of neighbouring property.

5.13. Maintain access to the property free from obstruction.

5.14. Take reasonably measures to prevent obstruction of the property's drains or sewers.

5.15. Refrain from displaying any advertisement on the property or in its front.

5.16. Refrain from any activity that could reasonably result in utilities being disconnected.


6.1. The Tenant will notify the Landlord if they intend to vacate the property for a period in excess of ________ (________) days.

6.2. The Tenant will take all appropriate measures to secure the property for the duration of any absence.

6.3. If the Tenant abandons the property, the Landlord may enter to the property to secure it, and where necessary perform maintenance work on electrical or gas appliances that could imperil the safety and security of the property.

(7) RENT

7.1. The Tenant will provide the Landlorda monthly rental payment of ________ (________) as consideration for exclusive use and enjoyment of the property.

7.2. Payment of rent must be furnished to the Landlord by the Tenant on or before the 1st day of each month.

7.3. Payment shall be made to the Landlord through the following payment method:

7.4. Utility bills and expenses, namely electricity and gas, are calculated into the rental price and are as such the responsibility of the Landlord.

7.5. Pursuant to the Housing (Rent Book) Regulations 1993, the Landlord will provide the Tenant with a Rent Book, including the following information:

(1) address of rental property;

(2) Landlord's name;

(4) duration of tenancy;

(5) deposit amount;

(7) method of rent payment;

(8) information concerning any other payment or service;

(9) a list of furnishings supplied by the Landlord.

7.6. The Tenant must make the Rent Book available to the Landlord to be updated.

7.7. In the event the Landlord wants to review the rent, the Tenant is entitled to 90 (ninghty) days' notice thereof, and any review of rent must be conform to the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004.

7.8. In the event the Tenant falls into rental arrears, both Parties must follow the procedure established in the Residential Tenancies and Valuation Act 2020.


8.1. The Tenant must pay a security deposit of one month's rent, ________ (________) to the Landlord on or before the commencement of the tenancy.

8.2. This sum will be held by the Landlord as security to be returned to the Tenant upon vacation of the property at the time of the lease's termination. The Landlord is entitled to withhold or make deductions from the deposit, in the event the Tenant inflicts significant damage to the property, fails to supply adequate notice before ending the tenancy, or fails to pay all rent and bills which have lawfully accrued.

8.3. The security deposit will be returned to the Tenant upon the expiration of the lease allowing for a reasonable to inspect the premises, provided the Tenant satisfies the following conditions:

(1) payment of all rent and utilities as they fall due;

(2) refrain from damaging the property other than normal wear and tear;

(3) give appropriate notice in terminating the lease.


9.1. The Landlord and Tenant agrees that the Tenant's financial obligations to the Landlord will be guaranteed by the following individual: ________ .

9.2. ________ will act as Guarantor for the financial obligations of ________


10.1.The Landlord must acquire and maintain insurance that protects the rental property against damage to, loss and destruction of the rental property's structure. The insurance must indemnify the Landlord to an amount of at least €250,000, against any liability on their behalf arising out of the ownership, possession and use of the dwelling.

10.2. The Landlord's insurance will cover the personal possessions of the Tenant in the event of damage of the following sort:

10.3. The Tenant must refrain from any act or omission that would likely result in any insurance covering the property to become void or voidable, or any act or omissions that would produce likely result in the insurance premium becoming payable.


11.1. This lease is for a fixed term of ________ (________) months. It commences on ________ and expires on ________ .


12.1. The Tenant may only sublet or assign the lease with the written authorisation of the Landlord. No sublet, assignment, concession or licence granted by the Tenant in respect of the Property will be valid unless there is prior written consent is furnished by the Landlord.

12.2. The decision to permit sublet, assignment, concession or licence rests wholly with the Landlord. This notwithstanding, the Landlord shall act reasonably and give fair consideration to prospective sub-tenants or assignees.

12.3. The Tenant should communicate their desire to sublet in the following manner:

(1) provide written notice indicating the Tenant's desire to sublet should be furnished to Landlord.

(2) provide at least ________ (________) days notice should be given of the desire to sublet in advance of the proposed start date of the sublet.

(3) the Tenant should ideally identify prospective subtenants at the point of giving notice of desire to sublet, or at least identify the characteristics of an appropriate subtenant

12.4. The Tenant should communicate their desire to assign the property as above.

(13) 55825885588 82 5588888

13.1. The Landlord may serve notice to terminate the lease in the following circumstances:

(1) the end date of the tenancy ( ________ ) is approaching and the Landlord does not wish to have the lease renewed by the Tenant, may terminate the tenancy on the date of its expiration;

(2) the Landlord needs to use the property themselves, or to allow an immediate family member use the property;

(3) the Landlord decides to substantially change the use of the property;

(4) the property no longer meets the needs of the Tenant;

(5) the Landlord decides to substantially refurbish the property in such a way that requires vacant possession;

(6) the Landlord intends to sell the property within 9 months;

(7) in the event the Tenant has breached their obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to:

- failure to pay rent;

- anti social behaviour.

13.2. The Landlord must furnish at least 28 (twenty eight) days notice.

13.3. 52 25525 225 252 25258255 5288528 822882 22 52528252822 22 252 522522 22 82 85885, 82 2582 555252 22 252 228828822 85822585:

( ________ ) 82 82 8582822;

( ________ ) 882225 82 252 25258255 25 82 25285 5525258825 52222;

( ________ ) 82522 252 5522 22 85885 822882 22 52528252822 858 825825;

( ________ ) 82522 252 22528252822 5522, 252 522522 2582 858522 252 25222522 882582 52 52558 22 2588 5522;

( ________ ) 82522 2552 522 88852 2252582822 22 252 85885822 22 252 222882 25 252 25258255'8 58252 22 225282522 852585 82 52225525 22 252 82885222858 522528828 82555 882582 52 (282222 28252) 5528 22 5282822;

( ________ ) 82582 252 822882 22 52528252822 22 252 522522 82 225822, 2282 82 22 252 522225 25222522 25 225258882 82582 82 52 252 522225 25222522.

13.4. The Tenant may service notice to terminate the lease in the following circumstances:

(1) to terminate the tenancy on the date of its expiration ________ ;

(2) in the event the Landlord has breached their obligations under this Agreement, after being notified by the Tenant of the existence of the breach and a reasonable opportunity to remedy it;

(3) in the event of serious danger to life, physical health or safety as a result of their occupancy in the property.

13.5. The Tenant must furnish at least

13.6. In order for the Tenant's Notice of Termination to the Landlord to be valid, it must adhere to the following criteria:

(1) it must be in writing;

(2) signed by the Tenant;

(3) contain the date on which Notice of Termination is served;

(4) contain the termination date, the Tenant must vacate the property within 24 hours of this date;

(5) if the reason for terminating the tenancy is a breach of landlord obligations, the Tenant must supply a reason for termination;

(6) state that any issue pertaining to the validity of the notice or the Landlord's right to terminate should be referred to the Residential Tenancies Board within 28 (twenty eight) days of receipt;

(7) Notice of Termination may be served on the Landlord in person, posted to one of the Landlord's contact address below.

13.7. If either Party wishes to terminate the lease after six months of occupancy and prior to the expiration of the lease term, and where none of the above conditions for early termination apply, they may request an early termination from the other Party at whose discretion it will be to accept or decline.

13.8. The Party seeking early termination sends written notice of their desire to vacate the lease early, the Party receiving this notice must reply, accepting or denying the request within ________ (________) days. It is being acknowledged by both Parties, that the Party not wishing to terminate early is under no obligation to adhere to the request.

13.9. Notice of Termination furnished by the Landlord to the Tenant shall be forwarded to the following address:

13.10. The Tenant can also be contacted on the following:

email address: ________

phone number: ________

13.11. Notice of Termination furnished by the Tenant to the Landlord shall be forwarded to the following address:

The Landlord can also be contacted on the following:

email address: ________

phone number: ________

13.12. In the event that the contact details of either Party change in the course of this tenancy, the other Party must be notified.


14.1. In the event of a dispute arising between the Parties as to their respective rights and obligations, the Landlord and Tenant ought first refer to this Agreement to clarify their respective positions thereunder.

14.2. At first instance, the Landlord and Tenant should make efforts to resolve the dispute informally, in the following manner:

(1) the aggrieved Party should notify the other Party that they are experiencing an issue with their tenancy;

(2) the aggrieved Party should outline how, in their ideal situation, the issue ought be resolved by identifying the steps the non-aggrieved Party could take to end the dispute;

(3) the Landlord and Tenant should agree a date on which to discuss the issue forming the subject matter of the dispute and attempt to arrive at a solution.

14.3. Both the Landlord and Tenant should keep records of their correspondences.

14.4. If the dispute concerns the physical condition of the property, both the Landlord and Tenant should collect and provide evidence of the premise's state, including photographs and receipts for repairs.

14.5. If the dispute is not satisfactorily resolved between the Landlord and Tenant it should be, at the initiation of either Party, referred to the dispute resolution service of the Residential Tenancies Board.

14.6. The Landlord and Tenant will in the first instance pursue confidential mediation or arbitration, to be decided by the the Landlord and Tenant once the dispute is referred to the RTB. The mediator or adjudicator appointed by the RTB will recommend a solution to the Parties' dispute, the the Landlord and Tenant can choose to accept or reject this proposal.

14.7. Should the Landlord and Tenant reject the mediator/adjudicator's proposed solution, they must appeal the mediator's/adjudicator's decision within 10 (ten) days' thereof, in order to have the case heard by the Tenancy Tribunal.

14.8. The Tenancy Tribunal is a three person tribunal which presides over a public hearing of the dispute. The Tenancy Tribunal upon hearing the case will issue a legal binding decision and the RTB will issue a determination order giving effect to the Tribunal's finding. This determination order can be enforced through the District Court.

14.9. Appeals on point of law of the Tenancy Tribunal's finding can be referred to the High Court, but no appeal on points of merit can be made.


15.1. This Agreement can be modified through the agreement of both the Landlord and Tenant.

15.2. The Party desirous of a change in the Lease Agreement should notify the other Party in writing indicating the proposed modification.

15.3. Should the second Party agree to this modification, a written statement should be drawn up detailing the modification, when it shall take effect and the rights and duties of the Landlord and Tenant thereunder.

15.4. This statement should be signed by the Landlord and Tenant and annexed to the present Agreement.

15.5. The tenancy registration with Residential Tenancies Board should be updated to reflect any modifications which pertain to the following:

(1) the rent amount;

(2) a change in one of the Tenants occupying the property (one Tenant is added or removed);

(3) a change in one of the Landlords (a new Landlord is added while the original Landlord remains on the lease).

15.6. It is the responsibility of the Landlord to update the tenancy registration with the RTB.


If one section of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable by a court of law, the remainder of this Agreement shall be given effect in line with the Parties' intentions.


The Parties acknowledge this Agreement is whole, legally binding and enforceable, effective as of the date of signing ________ .


________ and ________ undertake to be wholly bound by the terms of this Agreement at attached their signatures hereto

signed by: ________

job title: ________

as witnessed by

phone number: ________

(the Tenant)

as witnessed by

phone number: ________

ADDENDUM to Residential Lease Agreement (list of furniture, equipment and appliances)

Please indicate the list of furniture, equipment and appliances provided by the Landlord

Preview your document


created on ________



Collectively known as 'the Parties'.


1.1. 'Landlord' is defined as the legal entity which owns or possesses real property and is lawfully entitled to offer use and possession of in exchange for consideration known as 'rent'.

1.2. 'Tenant' is defined as a person or persons entitled to the use and occupation of a rental property, exclusive of the Landlord, in exchange for consideration known as rent.

1.3. ________ (the Landlord) is the lawful owner of residential property, in respect of which they are choosing to grant a lease.

1.4. ________ (the Tenant) has been designated an appropriate Tenant to lease the aforementioned residential property.

1.5. In return for consideration defined below, the Tenant is entitled to exclusive and quiet use and possession of the dwelling.


2.1. Pursuant to the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2019, tenancies must be registered with the Residential Tenancies Board annually within a month of the date when the tenancy commenced.

2.2. It is the obligation of the Landlord to register tenancies with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB).

2.3. It is the obligation of the Tenant to make available the relevant information necessary to register the tenancy, to the Landlord including their PPS Number.

2.4. The Tenant is entitled to a copy of any register entry held by the RTB concerning the tenancy.


3.1. ________ hereby agrees to lease a house located at:

to ________ thereby entering into a relationship of Landlord and Tenant.

3.2. The property will be used for residential purposes only. The Tenant is precluded from engaging in any commercial or professional activities, or any other in the premises.

3.3. The property is fully furnished upon the entry into this Agreement, all furnishings within the property remain the property of the Landlord, and the Tenant will take all reasonable care to avoid damage thereto.

3.4. The complete list of the furnishings, equipment and appliances provided by the Landlord is attached in an addendum to the present document.

3.5. The property comes with paid parking for

Parking is paid for at the following interval: ________ at the following rate: ________ .

3.6. The property includes a private garden adjacent to the dwelling to be enjoyed exclusively by the Tenant.


4.1. The Parties acknowledge it is the obligation of the Landlord to maintains certain minimum physical standards pursuant to (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2019 and section 12(1)(b) of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004.

4.2. The Landlord is required to maintain the property in the following conditions:

(1) free from damp;

(2) in structural repair (internally and externally);

(3) maintain the roof, roofing tiles and slates in good condition;

(4) maintain the windows in good condition;

(5) maintain the floors, ceilings and walls in good condition;

(6) maintain the stairs, skirting boards and doors in good condition;

(7) maintain all gutters, down pipes in good condition;

(8) maintain any garden or common areas in good condition;

(9) safe electricity and gas supply;

(10) every room has adequate ventilation;

(11) every room has heating that the Tenant can control;

(12) every room has natural and/or artificial lighting.

4.3. The Landlord is furthermore required to provide Tenants with access to the following facilities:

(1) a washing machine;

(2) a clothes dryer or a private garden, yard or terrace on which to dry clothes;

(3) 4-ring hob with oven and grill;

(4) cooker hood or extractor fan;

(7) microwave oven;

(8) adequate kitchen cupboards to facilitate the storing of food;

(9) sinks which supply cold potable water;

(11) a ventilated bathroom, with a toilet, washbasin and fixed bath or shower with hot and cold water;

(12) a permanent, properly maintained heater in the bathroom or shower room;

(13) a fixed heating appliance in each room that the Tenant can control;

(14) a firm alarm system;

(15) a fire blanket;

(16) a carbon monoxide alarm;

(17) access to rubbish storage facilities that are free of vermin and pests;

(18) safety restrictions on windows of a certain height.

4.4. Local authorities (in their role as housing authorities) are responsible for enforcing these minimum standards in rented accommodation.

4.5. The Tenant must notify the Landlord in the event of any defect in the property, not a result of the Tenant's actions, for which the Landlord is responsible. This is essential to allow the Landlord observe their obligations under this Agreement.

4.6. In the event the Landlord is required to carry out repairs or maintenance on the property, the Tenant must allow the Landlord reasonable access to the dwelling at a mutually agreed date and time.

4.7. The Tenant must take reasonable care of the property and its furnishings, and take all reasonable steps to prevent its deterioration, beyond normal 'wear and tear' which is a natural and unavoidable consequence of occupancy. The extent of 'reasonable' wear and tear is adjudicated in light of the length of time in which the Tenant has been at the property, the condition of the property at the commencement of the tenancy and other relevant factors.

4.8. The Tenant must notify the Landlord in the event of any damage to the property arising, either by the Tenant's wilful act, negligence, or wear and tear.

4.9. The Tenant must first seek the written authorisation of the Landlord if they wish to make any changes or improvements to the property. Specifically, written permission must be sought in any changes of the following nature would like to be undertaken:

(1) painting the walls or furniture;

(2) inserting hooks or nails into the wall;

(3) applying adhesive materials to the wall;

(4) applying wallpaper;

(5) structural alterations, such as removing walls;

(6) installing additional electrical units;

(7) installing a television or radio antenna;

(8) installing an alarm;

(9) changing of any locks within the property;

(10) replacing or updating existing plumbing systems;

(11) changing the property's existing flooring, such as the addition of carpeting, removal of carpeting, replacing tiles;

(12) replacement of boiler.

4.10. Following the receipt of written notice from the Landlord, the Tenant must from time to time, at a maximum interval of one time in a two month period, allow the Landlord access to the property to inspect its condition. Any inspection must occur at an agreed time and date.


5.1. The Tenant must respect neighbours' right of way, allow access to the neighbours' dwelling, avoid obstruction of access, avoid obstruction of pipes, drains and electrical wiring serving the neighbouring property.

5.2. Smoking is permitted in and around the property in the following locations:

5.3. The Tenant must check the fire alarm once per month.

5.4. The following animals are permitted to be kept in the property as pets:

5.5. Pets are to be kept subject to the following conditions:

(1) Pets must be properly house trained.

(2) The Tenant must ensure to promptly deal with any animal spoils within the property and within any common areas.

(3) The Tenant must ensure that any pets retained on the property are adequately trained so as to not display any aggressive or menacing behaviours to neighbours or passersby.

(4) The Tenant must ensure that any pets retained on the property do not engage in ongoing, loud or disruptive behaviour that could reasonably cause annoyance among neighbours. Barking, yelping and any other animal noises must be kept to a minimum and measures should be taken to avoid any such disturbances during the evening or quiet hours.

5.6. The Tenant must refrain from making noise that can be heard outside of their immediate dwelling (playing loud music, watching television at high volumes, parties etc) between the following hours: ________ and ________ .

5.7. Guests are permitted to reside on the property for a maximum of ________ (________) nights per month, provided they adhere to the following rules:

5.8. If the Tenant has a guest staying for more than ________ (________) nights per month, they must notify the Landlord that another individual has moved into the property.

5.9. There should be no more guests than is permitted by the number of beds in the property.

5.10. The Tenant must keep the garden reasonably well tended and/or in the condition it was in at the commencement of the lease.

5.11. Refrain from engaging in any anti-social behaviour, and prevent others from doing so.

5.12. Refrain from engaging in any activities that are dangerous or can reasonably be construed as offensive, noisome, or which may become a nuisance to any occupiers of neighbouring property.

5.13. Maintain access to the property free from obstruction.

5.14. Take reasonably measures to prevent obstruction of the property's drains or sewers.

5.15. Refrain from displaying any advertisement on the property or in its front.

5.16. Refrain from any activity that could reasonably result in utilities being disconnected.


6.1. The Tenant will notify the Landlord if they intend to vacate the property for a period in excess of ________ (________) days.

6.2. The Tenant will take all appropriate measures to secure the property for the duration of any absence.

6.3. If the Tenant abandons the property, the Landlord may enter to the property to secure it, and where necessary perform maintenance work on electrical or gas appliances that could imperil the safety and security of the property.

(7) RENT

7.1. The Tenant will provide the Landlorda monthly rental payment of ________ (________) as consideration for exclusive use and enjoyment of the property.

7.2. Payment of rent must be furnished to the Landlord by the Tenant on or before the 1st day of each month.

7.3. Payment shall be made to the Landlord through the following payment method:

7.4. Utility bills and expenses, namely electricity and gas, are calculated into the rental price and are as such the responsibility of the Landlord.

7.5. Pursuant to the Housing (Rent Book) Regulations 1993, the Landlord will provide the Tenant with a Rent Book, including the following information:

(1) address of rental property;

(2) Landlord's name;

(4) duration of tenancy;

(5) deposit amount;

(7) method of rent payment;

(8) information concerning any other payment or service;

(9) a list of furnishings supplied by the Landlord.

7.6. The Tenant must make the Rent Book available to the Landlord to be updated.

7.7. In the event the Landlord wants to review the rent, the Tenant is entitled to 90 (ninghty) days' notice thereof, and any review of rent must be conform to the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004.

7.8. In the event the Tenant falls into rental arrears, both Parties must follow the procedure established in the Residential Tenancies and Valuation Act 2020.


8.1. The Tenant must pay a security deposit of one month's rent, ________ (________) to the Landlord on or before the commencement of the tenancy.

8.2. This sum will be held by the Landlord as security to be returned to the Tenant upon vacation of the property at the time of the lease's termination. The Landlord is entitled to withhold or make deductions from the deposit, in the event the Tenant inflicts significant damage to the property, fails to supply adequate notice before ending the tenancy, or fails to pay all rent and bills which have lawfully accrued.

8.3. The security deposit will be returned to the Tenant upon the expiration of the lease allowing for a reasonable to inspect the premises, provided the Tenant satisfies the following conditions:

(1) payment of all rent and utilities as they fall due;

(2) refrain from damaging the property other than normal wear and tear;

(3) give appropriate notice in terminating the lease.


9.1. The Landlord and Tenant agrees that the Tenant's financial obligations to the Landlord will be guaranteed by the following individual: ________ .

9.2. ________ will act as Guarantor for the financial obligations of ________


10.1.The Landlord must acquire and maintain insurance that protects the rental property against damage to, loss and destruction of the rental property's structure. The insurance must indemnify the Landlord to an amount of at least €250,000, against any liability on their behalf arising out of the ownership, possession and use of the dwelling.

10.2. The Landlord's insurance will cover the personal possessions of the Tenant in the event of damage of the following sort:

10.3. The Tenant must refrain from any act or omission that would likely result in any insurance covering the property to become void or voidable, or any act or omissions that would produce likely result in the insurance premium becoming payable.


11.1. This lease is for a fixed term of ________ (________) months. It commences on ________ and expires on ________ .


12.1. The Tenant may only sublet or assign the lease with the written authorisation of the Landlord. No sublet, assignment, concession or licence granted by the Tenant in respect of the Property will be valid unless there is prior written consent is furnished by the Landlord.

12.2. The decision to permit sublet, assignment, concession or licence rests wholly with the Landlord. This notwithstanding, the Landlord shall act reasonably and give fair consideration to prospective sub-tenants or assignees.

12.3. The Tenant should communicate their desire to sublet in the following manner:

(1) provide written notice indicating the Tenant's desire to sublet should be furnished to Landlord.

(2) provide at least ________ (________) days notice should be given of the desire to sublet in advance of the proposed start date of the sublet.

(3) the Tenant should ideally identify prospective subtenants at the point of giving notice of desire to sublet, or at least identify the characteristics of an appropriate subtenant

12.4. The Tenant should communicate their desire to assign the property as above.

(13) 55825885588 82 5588888

13.1. The Landlord may serve notice to terminate the lease in the following circumstances:

(1) the end date of the tenancy ( ________ ) is approaching and the Landlord does not wish to have the lease renewed by the Tenant, may terminate the tenancy on the date of its expiration;

(2) the Landlord needs to use the property themselves, or to allow an immediate family member use the property;

(3) the Landlord decides to substantially change the use of the property;

(4) the property no longer meets the needs of the Tenant;

(5) the Landlord decides to substantially refurbish the property in such a way that requires vacant possession;

(6) the Landlord intends to sell the property within 9 months;

(7) in the event the Tenant has breached their obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to:

- failure to pay rent;

- anti social behaviour.

13.2. The Landlord must furnish at least 28 (twenty eight) days notice.

13.3. 52 25525 225 252 25258255 5288528 822882 22 52528252822 22 252 522522 22 82 85885, 82 2582 555252 22 252 228828822 85822585:

( ________ ) 82 82 8582822;

( ________ ) 882225 82 252 25258255 25 82 25285 5525258825 52222;

( ________ ) 82522 252 5522 22 85885 822882 22 52528252822 858 825825;

( ________ ) 82522 252 22528252822 5522, 252 522522 2582 858522 252 25222522 882582 52 52558 22 2588 5522;

( ________ ) 82522 2552 522 88852 2252582822 22 252 85885822 22 252 222882 25 252 25258255'8 58252 22 225282522 852585 82 52225525 22 252 82885222858 522528828 82555 882582 52 (282222 28252) 5528 22 5282822;

( ________ ) 82582 252 822882 22 52528252822 22 252 522522 82 225822, 2282 82 22 252 522225 25222522 25 225258882 82582 82 52 252 522225 25222522.

13.4. The Tenant may service notice to terminate the lease in the following circumstances:

(1) to terminate the tenancy on the date of its expiration ________ ;

(2) in the event the Landlord has breached their obligations under this Agreement, after being notified by the Tenant of the existence of the breach and a reasonable opportunity to remedy it;

(3) in the event of serious danger to life, physical health or safety as a result of their occupancy in the property.

13.5. The Tenant must furnish at least

13.6. In order for the Tenant's Notice of Termination to the Landlord to be valid, it must adhere to the following criteria:

(1) it must be in writing;

(2) signed by the Tenant;

(3) contain the date on which Notice of Termination is served;

(4) contain the termination date, the Tenant must vacate the property within 24 hours of this date;

(5) if the reason for terminating the tenancy is a breach of landlord obligations, the Tenant must supply a reason for termination;

(6) state that any issue pertaining to the validity of the notice or the Landlord's right to terminate should be referred to the Residential Tenancies Board within 28 (twenty eight) days of receipt;

(7) Notice of Termination may be served on the Landlord in person, posted to one of the Landlord's contact address below.

13.7. If either Party wishes to terminate the lease after six months of occupancy and prior to the expiration of the lease term, and where none of the above conditions for early termination apply, they may request an early termination from the other Party at whose discretion it will be to accept or decline.

13.8. The Party seeking early termination sends written notice of their desire to vacate the lease early, the Party receiving this notice must reply, accepting or denying the request within ________ (________) days. It is being acknowledged by both Parties, that the Party not wishing to terminate early is under no obligation to adhere to the request.

13.9. Notice of Termination furnished by the Landlord to the Tenant shall be forwarded to the following address:

13.10. The Tenant can also be contacted on the following:

email address: ________

phone number: ________

13.11. Notice of Termination furnished by the Tenant to the Landlord shall be forwarded to the following address:

The Landlord can also be contacted on the following:

email address: ________

phone number: ________

13.12. In the event that the contact details of either Party change in the course of this tenancy, the other Party must be notified.


14.1. In the event of a dispute arising between the Parties as to their respective rights and obligations, the Landlord and Tenant ought first refer to this Agreement to clarify their respective positions thereunder.

14.2. At first instance, the Landlord and Tenant should make efforts to resolve the dispute informally, in the following manner:

(1) the aggrieved Party should notify the other Party that they are experiencing an issue with their tenancy;

(2) the aggrieved Party should outline how, in their ideal situation, the issue ought be resolved by identifying the steps the non-aggrieved Party could take to end the dispute;

(3) the Landlord and Tenant should agree a date on which to discuss the issue forming the subject matter of the dispute and attempt to arrive at a solution.

14.3. Both the Landlord and Tenant should keep records of their correspondences.

14.4. If the dispute concerns the physical condition of the property, both the Landlord and Tenant should collect and provide evidence of the premise's state, including photographs and receipts for repairs.

14.5. If the dispute is not satisfactorily resolved between the Landlord and Tenant it should be, at the initiation of either Party, referred to the dispute resolution service of the Residential Tenancies Board.

14.6. The Landlord and Tenant will in the first instance pursue confidential mediation or arbitration, to be decided by the the Landlord and Tenant once the dispute is referred to the RTB. The mediator or adjudicator appointed by the RTB will recommend a solution to the Parties' dispute, the the Landlord and Tenant can choose to accept or reject this proposal.

14.7. Should the Landlord and Tenant reject the mediator/adjudicator's proposed solution, they must appeal the mediator's/adjudicator's decision within 10 (ten) days' thereof, in order to have the case heard by the Tenancy Tribunal.

14.8. The Tenancy Tribunal is a three person tribunal which presides over a public hearing of the dispute. The Tenancy Tribunal upon hearing the case will issue a legal binding decision and the RTB will issue a determination order giving effect to the Tribunal's finding. This determination order can be enforced through the District Court.

14.9. Appeals on point of law of the Tenancy Tribunal's finding can be referred to the High Court, but no appeal on points of merit can be made.


15.1. This Agreement can be modified through the agreement of both the Landlord and Tenant.

15.2. The Party desirous of a change in the Lease Agreement should notify the other Party in writing indicating the proposed modification.

15.3. Should the second Party agree to this modification, a written statement should be drawn up detailing the modification, when it shall take effect and the rights and duties of the Landlord and Tenant thereunder.

15.4. This statement should be signed by the Landlord and Tenant and annexed to the present Agreement.

15.5. The tenancy registration with Residential Tenancies Board should be updated to reflect any modifications which pertain to the following:

(1) the rent amount;

(2) a change in one of the Tenants occupying the property (one Tenant is added or removed);

(3) a change in one of the Landlords (a new Landlord is added while the original Landlord remains on the lease).

15.6. It is the responsibility of the Landlord to update the tenancy registration with the RTB.


If one section of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable by a court of law, the remainder of this Agreement shall be given effect in line with the Parties' intentions.


The Parties acknowledge this Agreement is whole, legally binding and enforceable, effective as of the date of signing ________ .


________ and ________ undertake to be wholly bound by the terms of this Agreement at attached their signatures hereto

signed by: ________

job title: ________

as witnessed by

phone number: ________

(the Tenant)

as witnessed by

phone number: ________

ADDENDUM to Residential Lease Agreement (list of furniture, equipment and appliances)

Please indicate the list of furniture, equipment and appliances provided by the Landlord

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