Reporting repairs

We aim to provide a good quality, efficient repairs and maintenance service to all of our customers. Jigsaw Maintenance carry out Emergency Repairs, non-critical repairs, Gas and Electrical Safety checks to your homes. If you need a repair to your home, you can report this to us in a number of ways.

Choose from the index: How to report a repair

We aim to provide a good quality, efficient repairs and maintenance service to all of our customers. If you need a repair to your home, you can report this to us in a number of ways. You can report repairs:

Help us to Help you…

While we have taken the necessary measures for our technicians to work safely in your home there are steps you can take to help. Please kindly follow the instructions below:

Emergency repairs

For emergency repairs, please call us. If you are calling outside our working hours, please use our main number above.

If you smell gas, please call the National Gas Emergency Service on Freephone 0800 111 999.

Where applicable, a suitable date and time for the appointment will be selected for an internal or external approved contractor to attend and a works order issued. Where an appointment is not available, the contractor will be issued a works order and requested to make contact direct with the tenant to book in for the works to be completed. The same priority system for these repairs will be adhered to as detailed in the Repairs priorities section below.

Repairs completed in one visit
We will try to ensure that repairs are completed in one visit to the resident’s home, wherever possible. If the repair cannot be completed in one visit we will agree an appointment to return and complete the work at a mutually convenient time.

Keeping tenants’ informed of delays
If a repair requires parts or materials that must be ordered, the repair may not be completed within the published timescale. In this case, we will inform the tenant of the likely date for completion of the repair.

Repair priorities

We set target response times for carrying out repairs reported to us. Jigsaw Group operates four repair priorities set out below:

Job Priority and Target Response Time

Emergency repair (Priority 0): – Up to 24 hours
Urgent repair (Priority 1): – Up to 5 working days
Essential repair (Priority 2): – Up to 15 working days
Routine repair (Priority 3): – Up to 90 working days

In some instances only a temporary repair will be carried out to make a situation safe and secure. Once this has been done, arrangements will be made with the tenant to complete the full repair within an appropriate timescale. In rare cases where heating repairs cannot be completed within 24 hours, forms of temporary heating will be supplied by Jigsaw Group.

Major works are repairs which are deemed to be more extensive than a routine repair then a further category applies which is classed as ‘Major Remedial works’.

Emergency repairs:

Examples of Emergency repairs are:

*Complete failure of heating and water systems are classified as an emergency repair during periods of extended low and sub-zero temperatures i.e. commencing late autumn and through the winter when temperatures are consistently less than 5 degrees. During the warmer months of the year, generally commencing early spring through to the autumn, where temperatures tend to range from mild to hot, no heating and hot water repairs are classified as urgent repairs. We treat these with the highest priority and we will offer the first available appointment for attendance.

Urgent repairs:

Examples of Urgent repairs are:

Essential repairs:

Examples of Essential repairs are:

Routine repairs:

Examples of Routine repairs are: