Lesson: The Power of Active Listening

Facilitate a short discussion using the following prompts:

Responses might include the following:

Activity: Celeste Davis & Aaron

12 Minutes

  1. Explain that today students will explore the power of listening to others, as well as being listened to ourselves.
  2. Explain to students that they are going to begin this exploration by hearing an audio clip of a StoryCorps teacher Celeste Davis-Carr, and her student, Aaron. Aaron shared with his teacher, Celeste, in a StoryCorps recording that he was homeless. This was their follow-up interview.
  3. Play the Celeste Davis-Carr & Aaron Audio Clip for students. You can also access the interview transcript.

Share this interview

Link to story Embed story

Activity: What is Active Listening?

  1. Explain to students that Celeste and Aaron’s conversation demonstrated not just listening, but active listening.
  2. Pass out printed copies of the Active Listening Student Handout , or project the definition below for the entire class using available technology.
  3. Ask a student to read the definition of active listening out loud for the class: Active listening involves attentively seeking to understand a speaker’s message, rather than passively hearing the words that a speaker says.
    Active Listeners provide verbal and nonverbal feedback to show their sincere investment in what the speaker is sharing.
    Active listening can help to build trust within a conversation, thereby allowing the speaker to communicate more easily, openly and honestly.


Facilitate a short discussion using the following prompts:

Optional Activity: Tips for Active Listening

Eight Minutes

Activity: Short Silences Listening Lab

Nine Minutes

  1. Tell students that they are now going to try an exercise to practice active listening strategies, particularly using short silences and not interrupting.
  2. Ask students to read the quote by Diana Senechal, an author and former New York City public school teacher, which is listed on the Active Listening Student Handout . You can also choose to project the definition below for the entire class using available technology.


Facilitate a discussion of the interviews using the following questions:

Closing: Hands Up If…

Four Minutes

    Explain to students that the listening exercise they just performed was also used by graduate students, i.e., people who have graduated from college and are studying for a master’s degree. Read the following statement, written by one of those students:

Printable Lesson Materials

Title Link
Lesson Plan: The Power of Active Listening Download Printable PDF
Common Core Standards Download Printable PDF
Active Listening Student Handout List Download Printable PDF
Transcript of Celeste Davis-Carr & Aaron Carr Interview Download Printable PDF
Transcript for Tips for Active Listening video Download Printable PDF