Knoxville housing authority application

The Knox Housing Assistance Program aims to provide housing stability to its residents. The Eviction Prevention provides rent and utility assistance to renters at risk of eviction and the Home Rehabilitation Program aids homeowners in emergency repairs.

Eviction Prevention Program

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Program Overview


The Eviction Prevention Program is a joint City of Knoxville/Knox County initiative aiding renters facing eviction. The program is open to income-qualified city and county residents.

Who Can Apply?

For eviction prevention assistance, applications are requested from both the tenant and the landlord. Tenants should also contact their landlord directly to let them know they’ve applied.

Applications for utility assistance only do not require the landlord to apply.

What Expenses Are Covered Under the Program?

Rent and utility assistance are both available through the program. As a tenant, you may apply for rent and utility assistance within the same application, or you may apply for either type of assistance individually. As a landlord, you may apply for multiple tenants through a single application.

What is required of landlords?

To receive payment through the Eviction Prevention Program, a landlord must agree to and sign the following attestation as part of the application process:

“I agree not to evict the tenant for nonpayment of rent during the months for which I am receiving emergency rental assistance funding and for an additional 30 days past the dates covered by this assistance payment.”

Landlords are not required to participate in the program for a tenant to be eligible for assistance. After a tenant applies, an email is sent to the landlord requesting they complete a landlord application. If no landlord application is submitted, Case Managers will make two additional attempts to contact the landlord, and if unsuccessful, a direct rental assistance payment will be made to the tenant.

What if I’m a homeowner?

Homeowners are not eligible to apply under this program. If you are a homeowner and need assistance, please call 211 for a list of agencies that may be able to help.

Is There a Limit on the Amount of Assistance I Can Receive?

Renter households are eligible to receive assistance for up to 18 months if funding is available for rent and utility assistance.

Priority application processing is provided for households facing imminent eviction. See below for further details on application prioritization

Application Prioritization

The EPP Program prioritizes two groups - households at or below 50% of Knox County’s AMI with an eviction notice or detainer warrant and households where at least one member has been unemployed for 90 days before the date of application with an eviction notice or detainer warrant.

  1. New Prioritized Cases where the applicant has checked unemployed for the previous 90-day period AND the household income is at or below 50% AMI.
  2. New Prioritized Cases where the applicant household is at or below 50% AMI, but no member of the household has been unemployed.
  3. New Prioritized Cases where the applicant household has checked unemployed for the previous 90-day period AND the household income is above 50% AMI.
  4. New Non-Prioritized Cases where the household income is above 50% AMI, and no member of the household has been unemployed.

Additionally, 60% of our ERA-EPP funds will be used exclusively to aid these four priority groups with the remaining 40% aiding other income-eligible applicants.

Eligibility and Documentation

Am I Eligible for the Program?

You will be eligible for the Knox Housing Assistance Program if:

  1. Your household income is at or below 80% of the area median income level. (see table below)
  2. Your household is 30 days past due on your rent and/or utility payments or you know you won’t be able to pay next month’s rent.
  3. You are a rental resident of Knox County, TN
  4. You have qualified for unemployment benefits OR experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship during the coronavirus pandemic?

If your household income is equal to or less than the amount listed in the 80% AMI column next to your household size, you are eligible to apply. If your income is equal to or less than the amount listed in the 50% AMI column next to your household size, your household is eligible to apply and your application will be prioritized for processing (households where one or more members has been unemployed for the previous 90 days will also be prioritized).

Household Size 30% AMI
Extremely Low
50% AMI
Very Low
80% AMI
1 Person$19,150$31,850$51,000
2 Person$21,850$36,400$58,250
3 Person$25,820$40,950$65,550
4 Person$31,200$45,500$72,800
5 Person$36,580$49,150$78,650
6 Person$41,960$52,800$84,450
7 Person$47,340$56,450$90,300
8 Person$52,720$60,100$96,100

What Documentation Do I Need?

  1. Valid government issued photo ID
  2. Income documentation
  3. If applying based on unemployment status, documentation verifying unemployment
  4. Copy of latest past due utility bill, if applicable
  5. Copy of notice of past due rent/detainer warrant or eviction notice
  6. Copy of lease (if landlord refuses to participate in program)

*If you have received and eviction notice or detainer warrant your application will be prioritized for processing

  1. Current rent or lease agreement signed by both the tenant and landlord
  2. Copy of latest notice of past due rent or rent ledger
  3. Copy of W-9 (click here for blank form)