Applying for Honors Programs

To apply for one of the College’s honors programs—such as Dean’s Scholars, Health Science Scholars or Polymathic Scholars—follow the appropriate path below, either for high school seniors applying as first-year students, or as a transfer student.

First-Year Students

All incoming, non-transfer students apply for honors programs via either the Common App, or the separate Honors application at UT Austin’s Admissions site by December 1; students applying to CNS Honors (Dean’s Scholars, Health Science Scholars, Polymathic Scholars) or other honors programs at UT Austin are strongly encouraged to complete their applications by October 15. CNS Honors will notify students of their program decision by March 1 — please note some decisions may be delivered earlier — but no earlier than January 15th. Students who have submitted their application to UT Austin but did not apply to an honors program must use the separate Honors application to apply. Application to Dean’s Scholars, Polymathic Scholars and/or Health Science Scholars is restricted to students applying to the College of Natural Sciences, and the Dean’s Scholars program is currently not available to students majoring in Statistics and Data Sciences. Departmental honors programs are for people within the majors.

Current UT Students and External Transfer Students

Transfer applications are online. Application materials for Spring admission must be received by December 15th. Applications materials for Fall admission must be received by July 31st. Students who have completed more than three semesters of college coursework are not eligible for transfer admission to a college honors program. Applications require a short essay, a resume, and a letter of recommendation from a college or university math or science instructor. Details instructions are on the application itself.


If you have any questions about the application process, please contact:

CNS Honors Center
T.S. Painter Hall, room 5.39 (mail code G2550)
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin TX 78712-2550
(512) 232-1048